Wrinkles and aging

The passing of time, pollution, unhealthy habits and sun exposure result in a number of structural modifications that show on the outside and are signs of aging.

The skin, like the rest of the organs of our body, undergoes changes with the passing of time. Besides, as it is an organ that is in contact with the outside environment, these changes are much more apparent.

The following are signs of aging: dry skin as a result of the gradual reduction in sebaceous production, flaccidity as a consequence of the loss of elasticity and wrinkles. Wrinkles are one of the most salient aesthetic concerns as they are the sign that most accurately shows the age of a person. They originate in the loss of skin elasticity, a reduction in the production of collagen III, as well as the gestures we make when we express ourselves (the contour of the eyes, lips, the corners of the mouth, etc.)

Freihaut offers you Hy+, the line of moisturizing and anti-aging treatment with an effective formula based on hyaluronic acid which contributes to a reduction in the signs of aging as it works on the capacity of the skin to retain water internally, fill in the wrinkles and improve the elasticity of the tissue.